Assessments for Career Orientation
Assessments for Career Orientation

OccuOri® is trained and self-learns to optimize personality assessment models developed in psychology and career science. These models are currently used in career counseling centers worldwide. The author aims to introduce 9 personality assessment models so that everyone, especially young people in need of career guidance, can perform them at no cost and enjoy exploring themselves as well as learning more about the science of vocational psychology.

Regarding the development history of personality assessment models, naturally, everyone is curious to learn more about themselves. That's why personality tests are always popular. In fact, the first modern personality test recorded is the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet, used in 1919 to help the US military screen recruits to prevent potential psychological trauma. Nowadays, it seems like we encounter personality tests everywhere, from social media to personal career orientation sessions. From participating in quiz-style entertainment games to find the most suitable types of books to high school career tests to explore the field one should pursue, personality tests can be a popular choice to discover interesting things about oneself and also convenient for AI to use automatically when predicting potential decisions you might make.

Personality Color Test - http://www.testcolor.com/personalitytest/personalitytest.php

The shortest personality test on the list - just two questions! It's very simple; you just rate your favorite and least favorite colors. Then, you'll receive a detailed personality analysis from the test. The results are based on initial research conducted and validated by clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, and mathematicians. There are over 50 million different personalized answers from test results. It will tell you the main characteristics that make up your personality, such as emotional intelligence or imagination. HIGH5 Test - https://high5test.com/test/ The HIGH5 test differs from other tests on the list by pinpointing your unique strengths rather than categorizing you into a specific personality type. This test is very popular in the business world; in fact, 90% of experts from Fortune 500 companies have taken the test to discover their own skills. During the test, you'll go through a list of statements about specific behaviors. Then, you'll assess how accurate they are for you. By knowing your strengths, you'll be able to apply them better in areas of advantage to enhance the effectiveness of your actions. You'll easily apply what you gain from this test to your work and personal life.

“Who Am I” Visual DNA Test - https://you.visualdna.com/quiz/whoami#!/quiz

The "Who Am I" test is an interesting test based on images that will reveal your personality. Unlike other tests on the list, this test requires you to select images that you think best reflect yourself. The test will tell you how much you lean towards each of the 5 dominant personality traits such as Honesty, Kindness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism. It will also show you how these traits are interconnected to make up who you are. As a result, you'll gain a better understanding of the 10 aspects of your personality:

Perspective: How do you see the world?

Character: How do your internal traits reflect how you perceive others?

Autonomy: How do you approach conflict situations?

Calmness: How do you cope with impulses or urges?

Taste: What are your true interests?

Social Connection: How do you approach relationships with others?

Action: What are your plans and goals?

Attitude: How do you approach issues, such as social issues?

Implementation: Are you a dreamer or an organizer?

Perseverance: How do you feel about dangers or potential issues around you?

DiSC Personality Test - Free DISC Test

First proposed in 1928 based on the behavioral model of William Moulton Marston, the DiSC test is a popular personality assessment tool. DiSC is based on research and practical application, which is why it's often used in the workplace. DiSC is an acronym for the four main personality profiles analyzed in the model: (D) Dominance, (I) Influence, (S) Steadiness, and (C) Conscientiousness.

After taking the test, you'll have an outline of the DiSC style(s) you belong to. Although all test-takers tend to mix between the four different personalities, there are usually one or two types that stand out more than the others. Based on these results, you'll be able to explore more about your DiSC style, including details like what your leadership style would be like and the challenges you might face in the workplace.

Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Quiz - https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/quizzes/ei_quiz

The Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Quiz is a test created by the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. The center studies psychology, sociology, and neuroscience in the context of improving emotional and social well-being. The test will tell you how well you can read others' emotions based on facial expressions and body language. The test is simply a set of photos of different people. You'll be assessed on your ability to read the emotions expressed by these strangers and be told whether you're correct or wrong along with an explanation. There are a total of 20 questions in the same format as well as some questions about demographics. As a result, you'll see how well you can read others based on emotional intelligence. If your score is lower, don't worry; Berkeley also provides many ways for you to improve.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Test - https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test has been around for a long time, since 1917, when Katherine Cook Briggs began researching personality with her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Derived from the renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung's research, this duo concluded that people's preferences combine to form one of 16 personality types describing them. Introduced in the late 1960s, the test is now one of the most popular personality assessment methods, helping people understand their personality types based on their psychological preferences. Individuals are assessed along dimensions:

1. Introversion versus Extraversion

2. Sensing versus Intuition

3. Thinking versus Feeling

4. Judging versus Perceiving

Based on their answers, they'll fall into one of the 16 identified personality combinations, divided into four general groups: Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels, and Explorers.

After completing the basic assessment, you may need further evaluation and counseling with a psychological expert to clarify your strengths, weaknesses, what kind of person you are in relationships, the most suitable career path for your type, and workplace habits.

Big Five Personality Test - https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test

The Big Five assessment model is one of the most widely accepted personality models in psychology. Initially developed in the 1960s by Ernest Tupes and Raymond Christal and continuously refined and developed, it approached academic audiences in the 1980s and decades of research later, it's now recognized as the only scientifically agreed-upon test. The test measures 5 personality traits identified by psychologists as the foundation of our personalities. Big Five can be remembered by the acronym 'OCEAN', including: Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism The test consists of 60 statements describing personality traits that you have to rate the accuracy of for yourself. Some examples of these statements are "I make friends easily" and "Being on time is very important to me." Based on these statements, you will receive a synthesized report of the results. Specifically, you'll be able to see how you "scored" on each trait in the Big 5 and what this means for you.

The Enneagram Personality Test - https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test

The history of the Enneagram test dates back to the late 1960s with the teachings of Bolivian philosopher Óscar Ichazo and is now a very popular test both within and outside the workplace. The name Enneagram comes from the Greek words Ennea (meaning 9) and Gramma (meaning something drawn or written). The focus of the test is to understand emotional motivations, fears, and general personality of individuals. Based on the Enneagram, there are 9 different personality types identified by a fundamental belief about how the world operates. Therefore, one's worldview and interactions with others, followed by their actions, are shaped by this belief. These 9 Enneagram types are:

Type One: The Reformer

Type Two: The Helper

Type Three: The Achiever

Type Four: The Individualist

Type Five: The Investigator

Type Six: The Loyalist

Type Seven: The Enthusiast

Type Eight: The Challenger

Type Nine: The Peacemaker

The test focuses on measuring your habits and patterns when it comes to thoughts, feelings, and emotions. When using it, you'll navigate through statements like "I am always prepared for any disaster" and "I find something positive in every situation." For each statement, you'll rate how accurate or inaccurate it is for your way of thinking. As a result, you'll be able to see how well you fit into each of the nine personality types. Most people have a dominant type, and that's what you should focus on learning more about.

HEXACO Personality Inventory - https://hexaco.org/hexaco-online

The HEXACO Personality Inventory was first initiated in 2000 by Dr. Kibeom Lee and Dr. Michael C. Ashton. The purpose of the test is to assess 6 primary personality dimensions and reflects the theoretical explanations of researchers about them. Since then, the personality test has undergone several modifications and adjustments, with the latest version being the HEXACO-PI-R (Revised HEXACO Personality Inventory). Specifically, the test provides an individual measurement of these 6 universal personality dimensions: Honesty-Humility Emotionality Extraversion Agreeableness versus Anger Conscientiousness Openness to Experience

The test format consists of about 100 short statements like "Having a lot of money is not very important to me" or "Most days, I feel cheerful and optimistic," where you indicate your level of agreement with each statement on a scale.

From the results of these 9 personality assessment models, you will have a clearer understanding of your basic personality and can use it to develop your strengths or overcome your weaknesses. And so can our AI OccuOri®.